Free Notice to Vacate Letter Template

Take advantage of our Notice to Vacate Letter template to terminate your lease agreement legally. Use our services to create a valid legal document and end the tenancy in a stress-free manner.

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Last Update July 25th, 2024

Also Known As

Lease Termination Letter

Termination of Lease Agreement

Notice of Lease Termination


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What Is a Notice to Vacate?

A Notice to Vacate Letter is a message given from landlord to tenant, advising them that the premises will be vacated once the contract is over.

The landlord must send this legal document notifying the tenant if you intend to end your rental agreement.

The purpose of a Vacate Premises Letter is to give enough notice for the tenant to find a different tenant or another place to live.

You can send this letter regarding the termination of a long-term agreement or a month-to-month contract.

Depending on your state of residence, you will need to give a certain amount of notice to the other party.

Sample Notice to Vacate Letter from Landlord to Tenant

To assist you with the writing process, we have included an example for landlords who need to make a Letter of Notice to Vacate for their tenants:

[Landlord’s Name]

[Phone Number]


[Landlord’s Address]

[City, State, Zip]

[Date of Letter]

_ _ Day Notice to Vacate

Tenant Name(s): __________________________

Rental Property Address: _________________


Date of Notice: _____________

To the above tenant and all others in possession of the described premises:

This letter gives you legal notice to vacate and deliver possession of the above property within _ _ days from the service of this notice.

You are being vacated from the property for the following reason(s):_______________


It is understood and agreed upon in the lease signed [ _ / / _ _ _] that the tenant is responsible for all repairs and cleaning to restore the premises to move-in condition (after accounting for what is considered as normal wear and tear).

If you refuse, neglect, or otherwise fail to complete rent payments or vacate the stated premises within _ _ days from this notice, the leasing office and property management of _____________________ will take legal action according to state law to evict you (and all others) from the property.

We will return your security deposit of $___________ in full, in part, or not at all depending on the condition of the property.

Landlord Signature: ___________________

Landlord Name: _______________________

Landlord Address: _____________________

Date of Letter: ________________________

Use our Notice to Vacate Letter template in addition to the above sample to make the writing process stress-free and quick.

Reasons to Vacate

There are various reasons you could send a Notice to Vacate Letter.

For example, as a landlord, you can give your tenant this notice if they are violating the terms of the agreement.

Below are different reasons you can send a Letter of Notice to Vacate:

  • Breach of contract: If the tenant is violating the terms and conditions of your agreement, you can send a Notice to Vacate Letter.
  • Unrentable property: If you want to sell your property, remodel it, or for any other reason your property becomes unavailable for rent you can send a letter.
  • End of Month-to-month lease: As a tenant, you do not want to sign a lease agreement longer than month-to-month.
  • End of lease: You do not wish to renew your lease with the tenant or vice versa.
  • Causeless termination. In certain states, you may terminate the lease agreement with “no cause,” but you still must allow the tenant sufficient time to move out.

Check your state’s laws regarding the amount of notice you must give your tenant or landlord before sending a Notice to Vacate Letter.

How to Send a Notice to Vacate Letter

To send a Notice to Vacate Letter, you have several options. Use one of the following methods to deliver your letter:

  • Send with certified mail
  • Give letter in person
  • Leave the letter in a noticeable area on the property

You’ll need to send or deliver the letter to the address the other party agreed to receive any communication.

To deliver the letter to a tenant, it is normally sent to the property they are renting.

What to Include in a Notice to Vacate Letter

There are specific differences between a Notice to Vacate Letter sent by a landlord and one sent by a tenant.

However, some common details should be included in either case.

When writing a Vacate Premises Letter, it is essential to include the following information.

Date the Property Will Be Vacated

Review your lease to ensure that you are aware of the amount of notice you must give before sending your letter. Once you know how much time is needed, add the day you will vacate the property, as well as the amount of notice given.

Failure to do so can result in the contract being renewed for another period of time.

If you are the landlord, include the date the property must be vacated.

It is also critical to add the date that you send the letter. This will provide proof that you delivered the letter with sufficient notice.

Lease Agreement Title and Date

Include the title of the original lease as well as the date of the agreement. This date is when you entered into the lease.

Remember to also include the address of the property in your letter.

Reasons the Property is being Vacated

Include the reasons you are vacating the property, or why the tenant must leave. It is essential to add this information.

Explain in full, whether it be for a contract breach or simply because you have chosen not to renew the agreement.

Day of Final Walkthrough

Schedule the day when the final walkthrough of the property will take place. The purpose is for the landlord to inspect the property for damages.

It is a good idea to make this appointment when both parties are available to be present in person.

Name and Signature

Include your current address or forwarding address to have any additional communication sent to you.

Write your name and signature along with the date of the letter at the bottom of the document.

How to Write a Notice to Vacate to a Tenant

As a landlord, you should send a Notice to Vacate whether you are ending a short-term or long-term lease agreement.

When making your letter, remember to include the following details:

  • Move-out date
  • Day the final rent is due
  • What fixtures must remain with the property
  • Instructions regarding returning property to the pre-rental state

How to Write a Notice to Vacate to a Landlord

As a tenant, you will need to write either a 60-Day Notice to Vacate Letter or a 30-Day Notice to Vacate Letter.

It is essential to include:

  • What day you will vacate
  • Forwarding address
  • Where to send the deposit

Days of Notice Required to Vacate Laws

When giving notice to your tenant, it is critical to follow your state’s laws. You must give appropriate notice, or your tenant may be able to remain on the property.

For certain states, you may need to provide a 60-Day Notice to Vacate Letter, for other states it could be 30, 90 or less than 10 days notice to vacate.

Review the table below to find out how much notice your state requires you to give.

State Days of Notice Required Law<
Alabama 30 days § 35-9A-441
Alaska 30 days § 34.03.290(b)
Arizona 30 days § 33-1375
Arkansas 30 days § 18-17-704
California 60 days (tenancies >1 year)

30 days (tenancies <1 year)

§ 1946
Colorado 90 days (tenancies >1 year)

30 days (tenancies > 6 months and <1 year)

10 days (tenancies > 1 month and < 6 months)

3 days (tenancies > 1 week and < 1 month)

1 day (tenancies < 1 week

§ 13-40-107
Connecticut 3 days § 47a-23
Delaware 60 days § 5106
Florida 15 days § 83.57
Georgia 30 days § 44-7-7
Hawaii 45 days for the landlord, 28 for the tenant § 521-71
Idaho 30 days § 55-208
Illinois 30 days §735 ILCS 5/9-207
Indiana 30 days § 32-31-1-1
Iowa 30 days § 562A.34
Kansas 30 days § 58-2570
Kentucky 30 days § 383.695
Louisiana 10 days § CC 2728
Maine 30 days § 6002
Maryland 60 days § 8-402
Massachusetts 30 days § 186-15B
Michigan 30 days § 554.134
Minnesota 30 days § 504B.135
Mississippi 30 days § 89-8-19
Missouri 30 days § 441.060
Montana 30 days § 70-24-441
Nebraska 30 days § 76-1437(2)
Nevada 30 days § NRS 40.251
New Hampshire 30 days § 540:11(2)
New Jersey 30 days § 2A:18-56
New Mexico 30 days § 47-8-37
New York 30 days § 232-b
North Carolina 7 days § 42-14
North Dakota 30 days § 47-16-07.2
Ohio 30 days § 5321.17
Oklahoma 30 days § 41-111
Oregon 30 days § 91.070
Pennsylvania 30 days (tenancies >1 year) § 250.501
Rhode Island 30 days § 34-18-37
South Carolina 30 days § 27-40-770
South Dakota 30 days for landlords,

15 days for the tenant

§ 43-32-13
Tennessee 30 days § 66-28-512
Texas 30 days § 91.001
Utah 15 days § 78B-6-802
Vermont 60 days (tenancies 2 years or less)

90 days (tenancies > + 2 years

§ 4467
Virginia 30 days § 55.1-1253(A)
Washington 20 days § 59.18.200
Washington D.C 30 days § 42–3505.54(a)
West Virginia 30 days § 37-6-5
Wisconsin 28 days § 704.19
Wyoming No minimum period No statute exists

Notice to Vacate Letter Sample

To give you a better idea of what your Notice to Vacate Letter will look like, we have included an example for you to review below.

Use this example and our template to easily create your letter.

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Notice to Vacate Template

FAQs About Notice to Vacate Letter

To further assist you with creating your letter, we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions on the subject.

Review the answers to give yourself a better understanding of how to write a Notice to Vacate Letter.

Can a Landlord Rescind a Notice to Vacate?

A notice to vacate letter can be rescinded if both parties agree to extend or adjust the lease.

For example, a landlord may send a notice to vacate a letter, but rescind it if the tenant offers to pay more rent in a new lease.

It is up to both parties to extend the lease, not just one.

Is a Notice To Vacate for Cause the Same As an Eviction Notice?

Eviction Notices and a Notice to Vacate have key differences.

An eviction is a court-ordered removal. Notice to vacate only provides a move-out date. If a tenant holds over after that date, then eviction may be required.

A Notice to Vacate simply lets the other party in a lease agreement know you do not wish to extend the lease agreement.

It will not show up as an eviction on the tenant’s record.

Where To Find a Notice To Vacate Template? has plenty of real estate templates, including a Notice to Vacate Letter.

Using our legal template, you can make your letter without paying excessive legal fees that a lawyer might charge you.

You can also create your document in a much more convenient and less time-consuming way by downloading our form from home.

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Notice to Vacate Template

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Preview of your Notice to Vacate



Dear _________,
You are hereby given notice of termination for the lease signed on _________ and to vacate and relinquish possession of the premises located in _________ (the "Premises") on _________, which is the end of the current lease agreement.
Please, use this letter as my written _________ day(s) notice.


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