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Helpful Legal Articles

We’ve collected together our most helpful legal articles, resources and guides to support you at any stage of creating bespoke legal instruments from scratch.
Eviction Process in Illinois: Guide and Timeline for Landlords
In Illinois, you will be able to begin the eviction process if your tenant is guilty of any of the following...
Step-Children and Their Rights in a Will
Stepchildren have no inheritance rights, meaning that if you are a step-parent and die intestate (without a will), the law will not recognize them...
Understanding Washington's Eviction Laws: A Guide for Landlords
Evicting a tenant in Washington State requires a thorough understanding of the state’s landlord-tenant laws to ensure the process is conducted legally
California Landlord-Tenant Rental Laws & Rights 2024
Some California rental laws have changed as of 2024, so you must be aware of any updates or adjustments. Here are five changes to California tenancy
Airbnb vs Renting Out: Making the Right Investment Choice
Airbnb typically tends to appeal to short-term rentals. Its main market is tourism, meaning properties are usually only rented for a short period...
DNA Testing in Modern Estate Planning
DNA testing can be key in resolving estate disputes. Find out how proving or disproving a relationship with DNA can affect the inheritance of assets.