Free Lease Extension Agreement Template

Add more time to your rental contract with our Lease Extension Agreement PDF template. Create a legally valid document that lengthens the terms and conditions of your agreement.

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What Is a Lease Extension Agreement

A Lease Extension Agreement is a legal contract used when a tenant and landlord agree to extend their lease past the final day of the original agreement. 

These types of agreements can be used for leases that are both residential and commercial and allow you to do the following: 

  • Extend your lease agreement with the other party for a short time
  • Keep the same terms and conditions

However, it is possible to change certain terms if you and the other party agree. 

This is different from a lease renewal, which sets up the lease agreement for another term, not just a temporary period. 

Use our free printable Lease Extension Agreement template to create your document in minutes

When to Use a Lease Extension

If you are thinking about extending a lease, you should consider if it’s a good time to do so

After all, if you have a tenant who has been constantly breaking the rules you may not want to lengthen the agreement. 

Here are some ideal times when you, as a landlord, might consider using a Lease Extension:

  • Tenant in good standing: If you have a tenant who consistently pays rent on time, keeps the property in good condition, and respects the terms of the lease, you might wish to extend their lease. A reliable tenant can bring peace of mind and stability.
  • When the rental market is unfavorable: If the lease is about to end during a season when the rental market typically slows down (like winter), it may be beneficial to extend the lease for a few months until the market picks up.
  • Not planning any renovations: If you're not planning to make significant property improvements or renovations and don’t mind your tenant staying a bit longer a Lease Extension can be used.

How to Extend a Lease

To successfully create and use a valid Lease Extension Agreement it’s crucial to follow every step. By doing so you ensure each party is on the same page and no necessary terms are left out. 

Complete the following steps to create your legal document: 

  1. Review the current lease: The first step in extending a lease is to review the terms of the current lease agreement. Look for any clauses related to extension or renewal. If there's an option for renewal, the terms for doing so should be outlined.
  2. Communicate with the tenant: Once you've reviewed the current lease, discuss the extension with the other party.
  3. Create a Lease Extension Agreement: Once both parties agree to the new terms, draft your contract with all the necessary information.
  4. Review the terms: It's essential for both parties to thoroughly review the Lease Extension Agreement before signing. Make sure all agreed-upon terms are accurately represented in the agreement.
  5. Sign the agreement: Once the Lease Extension Agreement is acceptable to all parties, sign the document. It's recommended that the agreement be signed in the presence of a notary public for added legal protection. Make sure each party receives a signed copy for their records.

Now that you understand the process of extending a lease it’s critical to know which terms you must include in the document.

How to Write a Lease Extension Agreement

Whether you want to draft a Commercial Lease Extension Agreement extension or a residential one, you’ll need to know what to mention and how all terms and conditions must be stated

It’s worth noting that a Lease Extension Agreement in Florida may not be the same as one in Kentucky or another state, which is why you should make that you follow all state and federal regulations

Follow these steps to ensure that you correctly draft your document

  1. Add names and the date: Include each party’s full name as well as the date the document is going to be signed.
  2. Mention the property and lease details: Write the address of the property and the date the original lease is set to expire.
  3. Specify the length of the extension: State the start and end dates for the extra period of time that the lease will be in effect.
  4. Include terms and governing law: Mention if terms such as rent, security deposit money, and maintenance will stay the same. Also, specify under which state’s laws the agreement will be governed.
  5. Add space for signatures: Include a space for you and the tenant to sign the Lease Extension Agreement. There should also be a space to include the notary public’s signature.

Take advantage of our Lease Extension Agreement template to ensure you don’t leave any of these details out of your document.

Lease Extension Agreement vs Lease Extension Addendum

When creating your document you should be aware of the differences between an agreement and an addendum

Depending on your situation and what each party wants to be changed in the lease, you may find that one is better than the other when extending the original contract. 

Review the differences between an agreement and an addendum below.

Lease Extension Agreement Lease Extension Addendum
This is used to create a new temporary contract that will include the same terms and conditions as the original lease unless a change is agreed on. This is a document created that is added to the original lease which establishes a new termination date.The addendum may also record any rent increase throughout the extended lease period.

Lease Extension Agreement Sample

If you’d like to review the terms and structure of a Lease Extension Agreement, we have a sample document you can look over. 

Use this example to help you understand exactly how your extension should be formatted.

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Lease Extension Agreement Sample

Other Real Estate Documents

There are similar documents that can be used to buy or rent homes, as well as create other types of real estate agreements.

Check out the following documents to help you deal with tenants, buyers, and more.

Consult with these documents on LawDistrict if you are interested in any related legal matters.

Lease Extension Agreement FAQs

To provide you with further information regarding extending leases, we included responses to the most frequently asked questions regarding this type of contract. 

Review our responses to clear up any doubts you may have. 

What Are Some Lease Extension Advantages?

There are several benefits to using a Lease Extension. These advantages include:

  • Stability
  • Flexibility
  • Convenience

You get to keep a tenant that you like for an additional temporary period, while you look for another tenant or wait until there are more options available while continuing to collect rental payments. 

You can also avoid having to create an entirely new contract as well.

How Long Does it Take to Do a Lease Extension

Different factors can determine how long it will take for you to negotiate and create a Lease Extension

In many cases, it can take only a few weeks to create an agreement, mainly when no terms need to be changed. However, it can take months longer if you and the other party would like to negotiate different changes to the lease agreement.

Can a Lease Extension Be Refused?

Yes, a lease extension can be refused by either the landlord or the tenant. The decision to extend a lease is ultimately a mutual agreement, and both parties must be willing to move forward with the extension.

Landlords, for example, may refuse an extension for several reasons such as plans to sell the property or if they have had issues with the tenant.

For tenants, they may refuse an extension if they plan to move due to a job change, seeking a bigger or smaller space, or if they have experienced issues with the landlord such as unaddressed maintenance or repair problems.

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Lease Extension Agreement Sample

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