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Jerome Hutchinson

Jerome Hutchinson

Legal Content Writer

Jerome Hutchinson is a law school graduate and freelance legal writer who has written thousands of legal articles over the past decade.

His writing has covered all aspects of personal injury law, criminal law, family law, intellectual property law, estate planning, and other legal practice areas. He is passionate about providing law firms with well-written, accurate, and result-driven legal content.

Articles written by Jerome Hutchinson

Tenant Screening Checklist for Landlords
The kind of tenants you rent to can greatly affect your day-to-day property management experience and your overall net return on investment.
How to File for Divorce
Divorce is the legal process of dissolving a marriage, you must complete several steps before your divorce is approved and the dissolution of your...
Overview of Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Laws By State
The U.S. is one of the only developed countries with no national paid family leave program.