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Helpful Legal Articles

We’ve collected together our most helpful legal articles, resources and guides to support you at any stage of creating bespoke legal instruments from scratch.
Healthcare Workers Vaccine Mandate by State
The vaccine requirement for both Medicare and Medicaid providers was one of several mandates imposed by Biden’s administration.
The Differences Between Warranty and Quitclaim Deeds
There are several different types of deeds that can be drawn up during the sale of any property, and while they all have similar purposes...
How to Give Someone Power of Attorney
When you expect you won't manage your affairs at some point, it might be necessary to appoint someone. The very first step is to choose the person...
Differences Between Property Deeds and Titles
When you are involved in any real estate transactions, there will be terms you constantly hear, such as title and deed.
What is Good Cause Eviction: Pros and Cons
A Good Cause Eviction Law seeks to limit evictions to only those with just reasons stated under the law. Each state has its own eviction procedures...
Can a Power of Attorney Change a Will?
Under the terms of a POA, the agent can have broad or limited powers, ranging from the mundane to the specialized, such as managing the agent’s...