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Helpful Legal Articles

We’ve collected together our most helpful legal articles, resources and guides to support you at any stage of creating bespoke legal instruments from scratch.
Right-to-Work Laws: Pros and Cons
Right-to-work laws provide a guarantee that no one can be compelled to join a union as a condition of employment and prevent contracts requiring...
When To Use A Written Employment Contract
Every written employment contract can be modified to fit your particular requirements. The terms will explicitly alter the at-will relationship...
How to Secure and Store Important Documents
After making sure people and pets are safe, securing your important documents is near the top of every emergency to-do list.
Legal Documents Needed to Start a Business
Legal documents such as an operating agreement for an LLC, other corporation formation, LLP, or other partnership formation are beneficial for many...
Overview of Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Laws By State
The U.S. is one of the only developed countries with no national paid family leave program.
Healthcare Workers Vaccine Mandate by State
The vaccine requirement for both Medicare and Medicaid providers was one of several mandates imposed by Biden’s administration.